Showing Pictures Could Turn Sons into Martyrs: Robert Fisk ponders how Iraqis - who are all too used to horror - will view the mortuary mug-shots of Uday and Qusay.
Murder Most Foul: Israel Shamir, an Israeli journalist provides an alternative view regarding the killing of Saddam Hussein's sons and grandson.
FBI, CIA failed to pick up 9/11 clues The Sept. 11 attacks were preventable but went undetected because of communications lapses between the FBI and CIA, which failed to share intelligence related to two of the hijackers.
What Congress Does Not Know about Enron and 9/11 In order to give Enron one last desperate chance to complete the Taliban pipeline and save itself from bankruptcy, senior levels of US intelligence were ordered to keep their eyes shut and their subordinates ignorant.
What David Kelly knew: The killing of Saddam's sons won't divert attention for long from the specious reasons given for invading Iraq
Sycophant May be US Tipster ‘‘They asked to stay in my house and I could not refuse them. This is a disaster for me,’’ Zaidan told his neighbour, Mukhlis Thahir Jubori.
Sons Gone, Blood Feud Begins What was already a life-and-death struggle for Hussein is now also a blood feud.
Theft Prelude to Terror? Law enforcement agencies in five US states reported the theft or disappearance of hundreds of official uniforms, badges and ID cards in the first half of 2003, prompting federal authorities to warn on Thursday that terrorists may be seeking to acquire them for new attacks.
In case you missed it: Is There Anything Left That Matters? What is the depth of the American soul if we can allow destruction to be done in our name and the name of "liberation" and never even demand an accounting of its costs, both personal and public, when it is over?
Murkier and Murkier: Did Dr Kelly commit suicide because he could no longer tolerate the fact that the government he worked for had lied in order to justify going to war? Or was he murdered because he was about to expose the lies?
Key allies are casualties of U.S. war on court: The United States, which has long lectured Latin American countries on human rights abuses, is now pressuring a number of those countries to sign bilateral agreements granting immunity to U.S. citizens from prosecution by the new International Criminal Court.
We'll go it alone, SA tells US: The South African cabinet has snubbed the United States government over its insistence on linking military training assistance with indemnifying US service people.
The last moments of Saddam's grandson: 14-year-old may have fought on after anti-tank rockets killed the adults
The killing of Hussein’s sons: the Nuremberg precedent 
National Press Conference on Depleted Uranium: Doug Rokke, Ph.D., is former Director of the U.S. Army Depleted Uranium (DU) Project. Audio. A Must Listen 
Uranium: Deja DU: The Agent Orange of Eternity 
There is no defence for Guantanamo: US trial concessions are a sham.
Another Three US soldiers die in Iraq: The incident is typical of the almost daily hit-and-run guerilla attacks that have plagued the US army in Iraq, claiming the lives of scores of personnel.
US Releases Saddam Sons Pictures Warning - post-mortem pictures of Saddam's sons Odai and Qsai
Excessive Force? The U.S. military is celebrating the deaths of Saddam’s sons. But some are questioning whether Uday and Qusay could—and should—have been taken alive 
Exiles feel cheated of revenge: "I wanted to see them in court so they could be punished before they die. It is very, very easy to die like this," he said.
Key informer under US protection: Some neighbours now say they suspect that Zeidane - might have turned against the two men in order to get the $US30 million ($46.12 million) combined price the United States had put on their heads.
Mafia Justice: Saddam Hussein's sons assassination: This is mafia justice, ladies and gentlemen, it is justice of a dictator, not someone who has sworn to uphold both the letter and spirit of American Law.
Edward Said: Blind Imperial Arrogance: Every empire, tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires, that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate. 
America is shamed: You know what bothers me the most?  Not that George W. Bush lied to us.  What bothers me is how blood-thirsty the average American revealed himself to be.
War on words deception The CIA and Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq
How George W. Bush Won the 2004 Presidential Election: The U.S. has embraced a form of electronic voting that is unreliable, unverifiable and funded by the radical Christian right.