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Israel Shahak resources on the Web

Jorn Barger April 2000

1933: born 28 April in Warsaw (parents Polish middle-class, orthodox Jews who became Zionists and forbade their sons to speak Yiddish)

1940-43: Warsaw ghetto

1943: Poniatowo concentration camp (escapes w/mother) (father dies in the camps)

1943? bribe way onto register for Jewish citizens of foreign countries

194?: brother joins Royal Air Force, killed in Pacific

1943?-45: re-arrested, sent to a compound for foreign nationals at Bergen-Belsen extermination camp

1945: arrived in Palestine at the age of 12

1945-61: studies culminating in doctorate in chemistry

Israeli military service

1956: shocked by Ben Gurion's claim "to establish part of the Kingdom of David and Solomon"

1963-1981? professor of chemistry at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem

early 1960s: critical of Zionism "for both Jewish and general human reasons"

"After 1967, when I ceased being just a scientist and became a political being, my first reason was that after 1967 the Israeli aim was to dominate is the Middle East, which every rational human being knows is impossible. My second reason was that there must be a Palestinian state. It can come into being with a minimum of bloodshed, or a maximum of bloodshed. Even if the intifada were defeated, it would only cause a delay."

1970: elected chairman of the Human and Civil Rights League

?: chairman of the Israeli League of Human Civil Rights

?: monthly "Translations from the Hebrew Press"

1991: "Israel Will Withdraw Only Under Pressure" [article]

1992: "Yitzhak Shamir, Then and Now," Middle East Policy (Washington, DC), Vol. 1, No. 1, (Whole No. 39), 1992 [cite]

1993: "Oslo Agreement Makes PLO Israel's Enforcer" [article]

1993: "Can Religious Settlers Scuttle an Israeli-Palestinian Peace?" [article]

1994: Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years [Amazon] forward by Vidal, full etext [alternate toc] [mirror] ditto [German language] [Swedish] excerpt [review] mirror review [critique]

1994: short quote on Hamas; very short interview

1994: appears with Chomsky at MIT [account]

1994: "Involvement of the pro-Israel lobby in the Inman affair," Report No. 133, February 11, 1994 [quotes]

1995: "Israel's Discriminatory Practices Are Rooted in Jewish Religious Law" article Ukranian mirror

1995: "Analysis of Israeli policies: the priority of the ideological factor" [article]

1996: "The Real Israeli Interest in Lebanon" [etext]

1996? founds publishing house (Pluto?), publishes The Bible as it is; without a coat of holiness by Ya'akov Wolf [review]

1997: Open Secrets: Israel's Nuclear and Foreign Policies [Amazon] [review] ditto

1998: article "The Israeli Terrorist State and its Mossad Assassins" [etext]

1998? "Strategic Aims of the 'Grapes of Wrath' Operation" [article]

1998: interview part one part two

1998: speaks in support of Vanunu [announcement]

1999: Jewish Fundamentalism In Israel (with Norton Mezvinsky) [Amazon] [long excerpt]

No date: translation about POWs

Bios: long, short ditto, Swedish timeline


Radio Islam, mirror?, Norway


article in Dutch

passim: wrt Edward Said

political sim

general critique

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